Sunday, May 27, 2012

Love in the Time of Gardening


 I am pretty sure that my husband thinks I am having an affair. There are my unexplained absences, unaccounted for money spent and the evening trips to "the store" for milk and bread that take a little too long and never result in any milk or bread. Where were you? What were you doing? he asks. My responses are always vague. 
  I am having an affair of sorts. It is just a lame and embarrassing affair with my local garden center. But I just can't help myself. I enjoy the little thrill I get by sneaking out to the garden store this way. Nobody knowing where I am, the anonymity of it. Some people take baths or watch T.V. to de-stress but visiting my garden center, to me, is pure relaxation. When I am pursuing through the various fruit trees I long to buy, spotting the newest hydrangea hybrid, striking up a casual conversation with a fellow garden enthusiast over what the perfect shade plant is, I feel my troubles melting away. Oh and the smells roses, lilacs, basil...heaven. I swear there is more oxygen there as well and I immediately feel more energetic. 
     I am at the garden center so much that I sometimes think the staff may think I am a bit of a lurker or maybe an escapee from some kind of institution but I don't care. My pure pleasure over rides any sort of odd looks from the staff. Maybe one day I will tell my husband where I am, but just not today. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Garden Hoe has Gardened

          A riddle wrapped in an enigma. A question within a question. That is where last weekend's gardening endeavors have left me. I feel like James Joyce with a veritable stream of consciousness spewing forth all my unanswered gardening questions and gardening related confusion. I hope you can follow along.
        Well I have the patience of a 7 year old and just couldn't wait any longer to put out my seedlings into the garden. I know, I know too soon but I have always been wild and crazy and so I put them out. It seems warm enough? Well none have died yet so that is a good thing. A totally inappropriate friend of mine suggested I take garden hoe-esque photos of myself in the garden which I thought would be very fun but since my 7 year old took the photos they remained P.G. Although I will totally give him credit for the photos when I am rich and famous. But back to the seedlings... Here they are, wild and wooly but they didn't get too out off control as I had previously thought. So lesson 1 learned, you can implant an excessive amount of seeds in a small  container and have it work out.

                             I love how my son cuts of the top of my head in every pic.
                                                       Maybe a little Freudian?

              The first problem I encountered was these little nest like pots I had planted the seedlings in. Do I take the seedlings out of them or plant them right into the ground?

                                                           The Nesty pots.

         I didn't know so I planted some in the nests and some without the nests. We will see which ones turn out better.

        So after I made that agonizing decision  (trust me it was exhausting) I ran head on into another problem. If each one of those seedlings is an individual plant and if they are all bunched together in the ground will they grow properly? Do I have to take each individual seedling and separate it and then plant it. And how far apart do I implant them? The stress!!! So lacking patience I just lumped them all in together and said a prayer to the gardening gods and we'll see......

                                                       Look how stressed I look!

                                   New gardening tool for my birthday. Thanks Linda!

                                             Finished product, a little sad and pathetic.

        Superstore was charging $20.00 for a "salad container" we made our own.